Why You Need a Divorce Attorney

Keys To Winning Your Slip And Fall Case

While slip and fall injuries might not seem as dangerous as other personal injury cases, they account for 8 million hospital visits per year and cause plenty of people to miss time from work. In order for you to make sure that you are able to get the help that you need after sustaining a slip and fall injury, you'll need to know the best way to proceed.

This will help you get the payment that you need to get your life back in order, so that the injury isn't any more of a setback than it should be. To that end, consider some of these tips to help you out. 

#1: Prepare To Settle Out Of Court

Because 95 to 96 percent of all personal injury cases end outside of court, rather than with court judgment, you need to be sure that you prepare for this in the way that works best. Any attorney that you hire should be a very skilled negotiator, to make sure that you are getting a fair payment, while also not dragging out the process. You will need to open the lines of communication with the defendant, while still being prepared to go to court, should settlement negotiations break down. 

#2: Fully Understand Your Burden Of Proof

When it comes to a slip and fall personal injury case, you need to prove that the person whose property you slipped on received notice of the dangerous conditions, or that they were negligent in finding out about it.

To prove this, you will have to undergo a number of circumstances, including finding sworn witnesses willing to testify, utilizing video surveillance footage and combing through the medical and incident reports that took place after the accident happened. Collecting this evidence will be key, as you provide proof to satisfy your case. 

#3: Follow The Key Steps When Preparing For Your Case

After the accident happens, you should report it to the property owner as quickly as possible. From there, you should document the fall through photo and video evidence and getting the contact information of potential witnesses.

When you receive medical care, be sure to let them know exactly how it happened, so that their handling of it is clear and on the record. Give yourself the chance to properly fill out an accident report and above all, make sure you make all doctor appointments or physical therapy sessions, so that you can get back into full health. 

With this information in mind, reach out to a slip and fall attorney who can assist you. To learn more, contact a company like Putnam Lieb with any questions or concerns you have.
