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The Two Most Important Types Of Proof To Bring To A Consultation With An Auto Accident Lawyer

Personal injury cases like auto accidents often depend upon what type of proof the injured person possesses. While each case can be completely unique, most people will need to have at least a few different kinds of proof that they suffered damages to receive compensation for those damages. At the consultation appointment with your auto accident lawyer, you'll be better able to pursue your case aggressively if you have these two kinds of proof with you.

Police Reports

Police reports can be a key factor in proving fault in an auto accident. At the time of the accident, it is always important to call the police immediately, The police can create an accident report that will make note of all factors that could help determine fault in the accident. The police report will usually include information such as:

  • Date and time of accident

  • Weather conditions at time of accident

  • Exact physical location of the accident

  • Positions of vehicles following the accident

  • Basic assessment of vehicle damages

  • Statements from the drivers involved in the accident

  • Notation of any admissions of guilt that either party made at the scene of the accident

All of this information may not be present, but any type of information that is present in this official report can be helpful in demonstrating that the injured person does deserve compensation. In situations where the police report does not contain sufficient information, a personal injury lawyer can often find alternative ways to demonstrate fault, such as the following two things.

Photo Documentation

Photo documentation can happen in a couple of different ways. If you were able to snap any photos immediately after the auto accident - even if they're just cell phone photos - save them to show to the attorney. Those photos may contain important evidence - for example, a set of tire tracks that indicates the other driver swerved into your vehicle.

Even if you don't have photo documentation already, it is still possible to obtain this type of evidence in some cases. If you visit the attorney promptly after the accident, the lawyer may elect to send an investigator to the scene of the accident. In some cases, evidence like tire tracks may be left behind, and the investigator can document this on film.

By using these types of proof along with other other proof like medical documentation of the injuries, your lawyer can start a strong case for compensation right away. Call a personal injury law office, such as Connor Law, today to discuss more specifics about how the right evidence can win your case!
