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Make Sure That You Discuss These Topics With Your Speeding Ticket Attorney

Whether you're zipping down the highway or cruising through a neighborhood near your home, you never want to see the flashing blue and white lights in your mirror. While you might usually just pay your speeding ticket and put it behind you, you might find yourself in a situation in which you believe there were unreasonable factors that related to being stopped. In this case, it's beneficial to seek the services of an attorney who specializes in speeding ticket cases like those at Campbell Law Group PLLC. When you hire this expert, make sure that you talk about these various topics, as they could help to strengthen your case.

Situations With Other Drivers

While you are technically solely responsible for the speed at which you're driving, situations with other drivers can often influence the rate of speed at which you drive. For example, you might have been in a group of 10 or more vehicles, all driving together at a rate faster than the speed limit, but the police officer pulled you out of the group to give you a ticket. In this case, make sure that you explain to your attorney that you were keeping pace with the traffic around you and that lowering your speed would have endangered you or other motorists.

Issues With Signs

Sometimes, you'll end up speeding unknowingly because of an issue with a street sign depicting the speed limit. For example, if you were pulled over in a construction zone with a reduced speed limit, was the speed limit visible? In some cases, a parked vehicle could have obscured it. Or, perhaps you were stopped in an area in which the speed limit sign was missing. Again, while you're still responsible for your speed, this is a situation that your attorney can often use to your advantage.

Honest Reason For Speeding

It's also a good idea to make sure that your relay any honest reason you had for speeding, even if the police officer didn't buy your story. For example, you could have been racing to pick up your child who was sick at school. Or, perhaps you got a notification on your home security system's app that there was movement inside your home. If you know that you were only speeding because of an emergency situation, it's worthwhile to explain yourself to the attorney, who may be able to use this circumstance to your advantage when handling your case.
