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3 Reasons You Might Be Denied Social Security Disability Insurance

Every year, many people across the country rely on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) to help cover the cost of a disability or long-term injury. However, many people who apply for this form of assistance are denied. Read on and discover just a few reasons why you might be denied for SSDI.

Your Disability Revolves Around Drug Addiction or Reliance On Alcohol

If your disability is largely the result of a reliance on alcohol or dependency on drugs, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will deny your request for assistance. A general rule of thumb regarding this issue is to ask the question: if you were able to cease using drugs or alcohol, would your problem still exist? If the answer is no, then the SSA cannot help you with financial assistance regarding your problem.

Social Security Administration Can't Locate You

If the SSA can't locate you, they can't help you. When you apply for SSDI, the SSA will have to be in contact with you regarding facets of your application. There are certain issues that might require more clarity or the SSA might have more questions regarding certain elements of your application. There are a number of ways you can receive SSDI without being in direct contact with the SSA. You may name a representative, such as a disability attorney, who can help you sort through your issues and will essentially act as your retainer. If you are moving from one location to another and you have not heard from the SSA regarding your application, it is imperative that you contact them and let them know where you can be reached at your new address.

You Do Not Follow Up With Prescribed Therapy

If you are seeing a physician that is ordained by the SSA, but you do not follow up on the physician's required therapy, you can lose your SSDI benefits. There are a number of exceptions to this rule, however. For example, if you can prove that you have an overwhelming fear of a surgery that a doctor requires of you – and you can prove this matter to SSA – you can be exempt from any surgery that a doctor requires of you and still receive SSDI benefits. Another acceptable reasons that you do not have to be compliant with recommended therapy is that your religious beliefs require that you abstain from a doctor's recommendation or requirement.

If you believe that your application for SSDI has been wrongfully denied, it is highly recommended that you call on the services of a local and trusted disability attorney. Click to find out more.
