Why You Need a Divorce Attorney

When Someone Hits Your House

Although you shouldn't be surprised if you or someone in your family is involved in a car accident with another vehicle, you may be taken aback when the accident involves your house instead of your car. Sometimes the driver is a member of your own family. In these instances, the legal and insurance issues can become tricky. You may need the help of a good auto accident attorney to get the damages you deserve.


If a driver runs their car into your home, their insurance should pay if they are at fault. However, their insurance will only cover up to their policy limit. Of course, if they take out your garage or end up in your living room, the cost of repair will be much greater than most people's coverage. For instance, the driver may only have $20,000 of property damage coverage on their auto policy. In that case, their insurance company is not going to cover all of the damage.

Experts point out that suing the insurance company will do no good as they are only obligated to pay the policy amount. There is some chance that your homeowner's policy may cover some of the damage, but that depends on your specific policy. If you or a member of your household is responsible for the property damage, your car will be covered but your home probably won't be since it was likely your negligence that caused the accident. 

Legal Action

When your home is the victim in a car accident, you may be forced to take legal action to get fair compensation for your financial losses and distress. Because the driver's insurance coverage may be limited in this situation, suing them may be your best option. If you find yourself in this situation, do not accept an insurance settlement offer until you've conferred with a car accident lawyer. If the driver of the vehicle was clearly negligent, or in some cases physically impaired, a lawyer will be much more likely to recoup your losses and help you determine what type of medical or pain and suffering settlement you should have.

When your home is struck by a car, things get complicated on the insurance front. Your financial exposure is great because home repair is extremely expensive. If you or someone in your family is injured, the financial stakes get even higher. Talk to an experienced auto accident attorney before you negotiate with anyone. 
