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Keep Rolling: Dealing with an Accident from a Car Left Runnning

Most people are concerned about getting hit by a car when they are on the highways and streets while driving. Getting hit while among parked cars can also happen. There are times when drivers are in a hurry and not doing what they need to do. If a driver gets out of their car and leaves their car in neutral or in drive, it is possible that the car could start rolling after they get out. Here is how you should deal with an accident due to a car being left running in the parking lot.

Block the car

If your car is hit by a vehicle that has no driver, you may instinctively want to get away from the other car. This can be dangerous for everyone, as a car without a driver can continue to roll. Once the car hits you, put your own car in park so that you are blocking the car that hit you. This makes sure that no further damage is done to another car or to a pedestrian. 

Send someone inside of the businesses 

After you call the police, you should wait at the scene of the site and ask someone else to go inside of the business that the parking lot is associated with. The person should ask around for the owner of the vehicle. If there is no one around to send inside of the store, you should call the store on your phone. Tell them about the issue and ask them to request the owner and send someone for assistance. This will allow you to watch the cars and wait for the police. 

Hire an accident attorney to handle injuries

After the police report is filed and you have gone to the hospital, see a car-accident attorney to help you with your case. If a car backs up into you, there is a good chance that you could get hurt. Even if the car is rolling back slowly, taking a direct impact from another car can cause you to get whiplash or worse. Once you get an overall view of your injuries, you should look into filing a negligence claim against the car owner. Since car owners are required to be responsible for their vehicles, the owner's not properly stopping their vehicle makes them liable for your damage. Speak with your car-accident attorney about any proof that you need to show of the car rolling back and about filing a proper claim for compensation. 
