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Collecting Workers Compensation? 3 Things You Should Never Do When Injured On The Job

There's nothing worse than being injured on the job – unless you do something to undermine your workers compensation claim. Doing anything to jeopardize your claim could leave you without coverage for your injuries, or worse. It could leave you without any source of income. If you've been injured on the job, here are three things you'll want to remember if you want to protect your benefits.

Don't Use Your Own Health Insurance

When you're injured on the job, the first thing you want to do is get medical attention. The first thing you want to avoid is using your own health insurance. In the rush to get medical attention, you may want to sign in to the emergency room, or at your personal physicians office, using your own health insurance information. That's the worst thing you can do. In that moment, you'll identify your injury as non-work related. If the insurance company pays for that treatment, you could end up in trouble with your insurance company for making them pay for care that they weren't liable for. Plus, you could end up in trouble with the workers compensation insurance company for failing to identify your injuries as work-related. Don't take chances. When you check in at the doctors office, or emergency room, identify your injuries as work-related, and don't provide your personal health insurance information.

Don't Quit Your Job

It can be frustrating to be injured on the job, especially if it seems that your employer is dragging their feet regarding your injuries. Don't let that frustration cause you to quit your job. If you quit your job, your doctor will be required to list you as unemployed, which could prevent you from receiving weekly workers compensation checks. Not only that, but once you're cleared to return to work, you won't have a job to return to. Protect your benefits by keeping your job until you're cleared to return to work. Once you return to work, you'll be free to quit if you still want to.

Don't Go On Vacation

If you've been out on workers compensation for a while, you may be ready for a vacation. Unfortunately, if you head off on a vacation, the insurance company could use that against you,especially if they're able to capture pictures of you participating in activities that are against doctors orders, or that you shouldn't be able to do with your current injuries. Wait until you're released from doctors care before heading out on a vacation.

Don't get yourself in trouble while out on workers compensation. To prevent problems with your claim, avoid the four situations described above. For more information, contact companies like Bishop Dorfman Kroupa & Bishop PC.
