Why You Need a Divorce Attorney

Why You Should Always Go To Court With A DUI Lawyer By Your Side

Too many people feel that just because they have the right to represent themselves in court, that it is actually a good idea. The thing is, unless you have a background in law, this is not a good idea. Even then, most lawyers who have had to go before a judge as a defendant have hired other lawyers to represent them. This is especially important if you are facing a DUI charge. Here are some of the reasons you will always want to have a lawyer in your corner.

They Know If You Are Being Pushed Around

Being in the courtroom can be extremely intimidating, especially when there is a state prosecutor there telling the judge and everyone that will listen how terrible you are and how you should be punished. It is important to know that only your DUI lawyer will know if you are being unfairly pushed around and can object to the court that certain things from the prosecution should not be said, implied, or questioned. Your rights are protected when you have a DUI lawyer by your side.

Your Evidence Will Be Better Presented

If you are pleading not guilty to your DUI charge and you have evidence that shows misconduct of a police officer, a malfunction of blood alcohol testing equipment, or footage from street video recorders, you will want your DUI lawyer to present those to the court. This way, your lawyer will have the chance to explain everything properly and ensure that they will be examined by the court and not thrown out.

They Can Help Get You A Lighter Sentence

If you are pleading guilty, or are found guilty after your plea of innocence, it is important to try to make sure that you are getting as light of a sentence as possible, especially if this is your first offense and you have a job and family obligations to tend to. As someone without a large criminal record, your DUI lawyer may be able to work a deal with the courts to have you serve house arrest with the ability to leave for work, pay larger fines, or even serve a set number of community service hours. This all would be an attempt to keep you out of jail so you would not lose your job and your family would not be made to suffer. While there is no guarantee, this is something that will be much easier to achieve when it is your DUI lawyer asking the courts for this consideration.

All you need to do now is to make sure that you are reviewing the various options that you have for a DUI lawyer in your area and retain his or her services immediately. The sooner you do, the sooner they can begin to work on your case. For more information, contact a law office like Thomas & Associates, PC.
