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Is Your Workplace Making You Sick?

Not all work-related injuries happen suddenly; some take their time to develop. Occupational illnesses are just one of many workplace issues that plague workers and many workers don't realize that these illnesses are covered by workers' compensation insurance just like an industrial accident might be. Read on to learn more about a form of illness that has become increasingly common: sick building syndrome.

What is sick building syndrome?

The environment where you do your work can make you ill even more readily than doing the tasks of a job. Most workplaces take measures to ensure that workers are safe from accidents by holding safety classes, posting reminders about safety and by building safety into the workplace in any way possible. The same is not as readily true for the work environment, however. Workers can become ill from any number of bad actors in the building, the air, the furnishings or the building itself. When a structure or its interior furnishings are contaminated with germs, toxins, and more, workers are at risk every moment they are at work.

What's making you sick?

Almost any workplace can be affected by sick building syndrome, and it can happen in buildings of any age or construction. Here are some common causes of sick building syndrome:

Getting workers' compensation coverage

Using sick building syndrome can make it difficult, but not impossible, to get covered under the employer's workers' comp policy. Making matters worse is that doctors may be challenged to diagnose the problem due to the nature of the symptoms which might be caused by a number of other things. Note the following:

  • Eye, throat, and nose irritation
  • Extraordinary fatigue
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Itchy skin and eyes
  • Problems with concentration
  • Cough

Share your concerns

If you are experiencing problems as a result of your building, then there is a very good chance that others are too. Share your concerns with others since the existence of more than one employee complaining about the problem can help you in two ways. It can prompt the employer to take action to investigate the issue and to remedy it, and the corroboration of more than one sick employee will strengthen your workers' compensation claim.

If you are experiencing some push-back on your allegations concerning sick building syndrome, you may need the services of a workers' compensation lawyer. You have a right to work in a building that is free of the contaminants that have been shown to cause illnesses, so take action today. For more information, contact a company like Dawson & Associates, LLC.
