Why You Need a Divorce Attorney

How Your Auto Accident Attorney Can Help You Win Your Case

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may not know where to turn. Being hurt in a car accident is psychologically damaging, and coupled with your physical injuries, it may lead to permanent disability. To get though the maze of litigation and the legal system, you will need the help of an auto accident attorney.

He or she will work on your behalf to help ensure that you win your case so that you receive the monetary settlement you deserve. Here are some ways your auto accident attorney can help you prevail in your legal case so that you and your family will not have to worry about medical bills, household expenses, and future health care costs.

Partner With Medical Professionals

In order to prove your case in front of a judge or jury, you will need to corroborate your version of the accident and resultant injuries you sustained with your medical records. You will be unable to win your case if you testify that you sustained severe and disabling injuries if your hospital records, physician notes, and diagnostic imaging tests prove otherwise.

Your auto accident attorney can contact your physician and request copies of your medical records from the hospital in which you were treated after your accident. Evidence of your injuries and your doctor's testimony to the severity of your injuries will be your best allies in your pursuit of a monetary settlement.

While your lawyer can communicate with your personal physician and the hospital personnel that treated you, he or she may also consult with other medical experts, or "expert witnesses," who were not involved in your direct care or treatment plan, but who are experts in diagnosing and treating injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents.

Request Witness Depositions

Your attorney will also try contacting the witnesses to your accident to see if they are available to meet with him or her. If the witnesses are unwilling to talk with the lawyer, he or she may subpoena them. This means that the witnesses will need to go to court or meet the lawyer or other representative of the legal team who is representing you and give an account of what happened. In addition to speaking with the witnesses, your auto accident lawyer may try to obtain video footage of the car accident from local businesses or homes in the area.

Witness testimony and video footage will greatly strengthen your case so that you will have a better chance of getting a monetary settlement. It is very important to note, however, that while your attorney will do everything he or she can to prove your case, you will need to be as transparent and truthful as you can.

Your memory may be clouded because of the trauma you endured as a result of your accident, but you will need to do your best to recount the details of your accident to the best of your ability. If you do not recollect an incident, just let the interviewer know. It is completely normal not to remember every detail of a car accident, especially if you were injured or emotionally traumatized. 

If you have been involved in a car accident that caused significant injuries, keep all your medical appointments and follow your treatment plan exactly as your physician recommends. Also, work with both your medical and legal teams to help ensure that all your information is truthful and timely.

This will give you the best chance of prevailing in your personal injury case against the driver who was responsible for the accident. While winning a monetary settlement will not take away your pain, it will help ease your financial burden if you are no longer able to work. 
