Why You Need a Divorce Attorney

Common Causes Of Deportation

For individuals that are wanting to immigrate to the United States, it is imperative for them to be as informed as possible about this process. Otherwise, they could be at a greater risk of suffering a significant mistake that could result in them being deported before their immigration is completed.

Entering Improperly

One of the most common reasons for individuals to be deported will simply be due to entering the country. When individuals fail to go through the correct procedures for entering the country, it can have severe and long-term ramifications. For example, individuals that are guilty of illegal entry may not be able to qualify for citizenship. To avoid potentially falling into this problem, you should always plan ahead of time to ensure that you are entering the country correctly so as to avoid potentially invalidating your entire claim.

Committing A Crime

Individuals that are currently going through the process of obtaining citizenship will have to be extremely diligent to ensure that they avoid committing any crimes. Those that are guilty of committing a crime will be punished according to the legal system's requirements, but they will also face the repercussions of being deported and barred from applying for citizenship or returning to the country.  While individuals may expect this to be the case with severe crimes, it should be noted that it applies for even seemingly minor offenses. Whenever a person suspects that they may be charged with a crime, it will be imperative to retain a deportation defense attorney as soon as possible to avoid the potential result of being forced to leave the country after their punishment is completed.

Document Mistakes Or Other Procedural Issues

There are many documents and procedures that will have to be followed by those that are applying for citizenship. Unfortunately, mistakes with these documents or procedures can result in their citizenship request being rejected, which may force them to restart much of the process to avoid being deported. Working with an experienced immigration attorney can help to minimize these risks as these representatives will be able to ensure that their clients are correctly going through the process of petitioning for citizenship and meeting all of the requirements for it to be granted. Considering the long and confusing nature of this process, it is likely that individuals may make these mistakes if they are attempting to navigate this process on their own, but an attorney can avoid this and represent them from the start of their citizenship petition to its conclusion.

To learn more, reach out to a local family immigration attorney.
