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5 Environmental Law Issues Businesses Often Face

Environmental laws apply to a wide range of situations in everyday life, and many of those affect businesses. Whether you're running a small operation or a massive corporation, there's a good chance you may need the help of an environmental law practice. It's a good idea to get out in front of such concerns, and here are 5 common problems to keep an eye out for while running your business.

Clean Water Regulations

Whenever a business is close to a body of water, there's a good possibility that it will need to comply with regulations. This is especially the case if the body of water feeds into waterways, groundwater, or drinking water supplies.

If you're not sure whether such rules apply to your business, it's a good idea to talk with a lawyer. They can help you understand which local, state, and federal rules apply. For example, you might learn that certain materials have to be kept at least 150 feet away from a nearby river. These sorts of regulations will then inform where and how you store materials, what activities take place on the property, and how you will report compliance.

Air Quality

Air pollution is one of the primary drivers of environmental regulations. If your location emits pollution from industrial or commercial activities, you may need to comply with clean air rules. Bear in mind air pollution covers more than just smoke. Noxious gases, for example, are often highly regulated, especially if an operation is close to a residential area.


The impact of business on wildlife can be dramatic. A classic wildlife issue is when a logging company encroaches on the habitat of a designated endangered species. It's often necessary to take measures to avoid disturbing the protected wildlife. In some cases, you may have to cease operations in the area altogether to maintain compliance and avoid fines.

Disposal of Materials

Waste materials are common products of modern industry. It's important to not only safely dispose of the materials but to also ensure the disposal site doesn't pose dangers to people, animals, or the environment. It's also common for companies to work with third parties, and that means making sure those parties provide evidence of compliance.


Most operations have to report what measures they've taken to address these concerns. An environmental law practice will help you to identify the right forms. They also can lend a hand with filling them out and attaching supporting documents, such as readings and test data.

For more information, contact a law practice like Parsons Behle & Latimer.
