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Common Reasons For Social Security Disability Claim Denials And How To Avoid Them

As you may already know, applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be a complex and challenging process. Many applicants face initial denials due to various reasons, which can be discouraging and confusing. However, understanding the common reasons for claim denials and taking proactive steps to address them can improve your chances of a successful outcome. If you're currently trying to navigate the maze of red tape involved in successfully applying for Social Security Disability, here's what you need to know about the typical reasons for Social Security Disability claim denials and how to avoid them.

Insufficient Medical Evidence

One of the most common reasons for claim denials is a lack of adequate medical evidence to support your disability. To avoid this issue, ensure that you have thorough documentation of your medical condition, including records of doctor visits, test results, treatment plans, and any prescribed medications. Make sure your medical records clearly demonstrate the severity of your disability and how it affects your ability to find and keep a job, and work closely with your healthcare providers to gather all necessary documentation and communicate the importance of detailed records for your claim.

Failure to Follow Treatment Plans

If you don't follow your prescribed treatment plan, your claim may be denied on the grounds that your condition could improve with proper treatment. To avoid this, adhere to your doctor's recommendations and maintain records of your treatment progress. If you're unable to follow a treatment plan due to financial constraints or other barriers, document these issues and discuss them with your Social Security Disability lawyer.

Insufficient Work History

To qualify for Social Security Disability benefits, you must have a sufficient work history and have paid into the Social Security system through payroll taxes. Review your work history and ensure that you meet the necessary criteria for eligibility. If you're unsure about your eligibility, consult with a Social Security Disability lawyer to review your work history and determine your options.

Earning Too Much Income

Social Security Disability benefits are designed for individuals who are unable to work due to their disabilities. If you're earning more than the substantial gainful activity (SGA) limit, your claim may be denied. Be aware of the current SGA limit and evaluate your income to ensure that you don't exceed it.

Not Cooperating with the Social Security Administration (SSA)

Your claim may be denied if you fail to cooperate with the SSA by not providing the requested information or attending scheduled medical exams. To avoid this, promptly respond to all SSA requests and attend any required appointments. 

For more info, contact a local Social Security Disability lawyer
